
Monday, February 24, 2020

Soul Fire

Confession: the job I get paid to do does not set my soul on fire.  Well, at least not in the way this sign that sits in my office intends. What sets my soul on fire is observing the world around me and writing about it.  That didn’t happen much in 2019.  It’s not that I didn’t have a good year or that I didn’t observe anything worth writing about.  I saw and did many amazing things. I observed things that made me sad and angry.  I had great ideas come to me while running (those of you who run will recognize that as runner’s high).  I returned from most those runs and told myself I would write it all down at lunch, after work, after dinner, tomorrow…tomorrow.

Lent begins this week.  My experience with Lent is always more meaningful when I have thought about how I will observe it in advance, before Mardi Gras, before from dust we came and to dust we shall return. I need a plan.  This year, I am going to be following Sarah Bessey’s 40 Simple Practices for Lent (if you don’t already follow Sarah, go do that right now):    AND, I am committing to writing SOMETHING for 10 minutes every day.  I suspect most of it will be mediocre, at best, but I am looking forward to rediscovering that which sets my soul on fire (spoiler alert—it’s still not going to be my job).