It's that time again--marathon mile dedications.
Dedicated To:
Mile 1 The Glory of God, for the beauty of this day.
2 Scott, I wouldn’t be here without your support and willingness to handle the “mess” at home while I was away on long Saturday runs.
3 Mom & Dad, you have always supported me, no matter what my dream was/is.
4 Christina, my cheerleader, my sister.
5 The Marine Corps for its sacrifices and for making this race possible.
6 MTT Coaches
7 MTT teammates
8 Friends, family and neighbors who put up with my constant chatter about running
9 The people who will wear the layers of clothing I shed along the course.
10 Tough Chiks and Mother Runners who inspire me.
11 Erica. To long runs and TMI--we made it!
12 Meredeth, for helping make those long Wednesday runs fun and discovering friendship along the way.
13 Renee. For Lupus. For quiet hippie peace freaks.
14 Matthew. The next 3 miles are dedicated to my children to show them that even when it gets hard, we never give up.
15 Nathan
16 Samuel
17 The Gauntlet
18 Peace, for each one of us and for the world.
19 Adam. I often hit the wall here. This mile is a reminder that sometimes it is enough to put one foot in front of the other and just keep moving.
20 Megan and Michelle, you will always be my mile 20.
21 I beat the bridge!
22 Those who want to run but can’t. Someday, I may not be able to run. Until then, I’ll run for you.
23 GPPC, I will miss you at MCM’s mile 23 water stop, but you are in my heart. I see Christ in each and every one of you.
24 Water. A reminder that I have access to it whenever I need it along this course. 783 million people in the world do not.
25 Mothers around the world who run because they HAVE to in order to survive, not because they WANT to, like me.
26 Survivors and families of victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.
.2 Me! Savor the finish.